June is Canadian Men’s Health Month – Men Die by Suicide Four Times More Than Women. Learn More!

Although tremendous leaps have been made surrounding men’s mental health in the past decade—men are still in crisis.

Men die by suicide in numbers almost four times that of women, including young men between the ages of 20 – 30 in alarming numbers and men aged 40 – 60.¹

“Out of the 4,000 Canadians that have died by suicide in one given year, it was [reported] that around 75% of those were men,” said CMHA Calgary’s Counsellor, Nick. “I think at this point in time, continuous awareness for men’s mental health needs to continue. It’s been a bit more of a hot topic in the last few years and understanding where those stigmas are and that societal conditioning comes from. But I think we’re in that flux area, or that kind of latency period where we start the conversation, and then start to see change.”.. Read Full CMHC The Importance of Men’s Mental Health


CMHA Men & Mental Health: How to start the conversation about your mental health

RRAP – Breaking the stigma around men’s mental health 

CCMF Alberta Supporting men who are struggling due to intimate relationship breakdown and turmoi

CBC Annual ‘Buddy Up’ campaign aims to get men talking about mental health

Calgary Journal Shame system hinders men from seeking proper mental health aid


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