ALIGN hosts Cultural Solutions 101 & 201 training sessions through-out the year. Visit ALIGN Training to see if there are any upcoming sessions scheduled. To be notified of upcoming training please contact
Cultural Solutions 101 Description
do I understand the recommendations of the Truth and Recommendation
Commission (TRC) or the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)? How can I apply these directions to my own
life, and to my work with Indigenous people? How do I act as an ally?
What does that look like? How do I offer programs that are meaningful to
Indigenous Community?
OK! If you are thinking about these things, we invite you to join us on a learning journey…
training is intended to provide professionals who are interested in
expanding their knowledge on working with Indigenous peoples through an
educational and experiential opportunity. Over three days (3.0),
participants will gain a deeper understanding, and personal experience
on Indigenous history and perspectives through various traditional
teachings and protocols, and how these relate to the delivery of human
services with Indigenous service use
Cultural Solutions 201 Description
Objective This virtual training is intended as a level two training
opportunity to better understand “The How” in reconciliation.
Participants MUST have taken Cultural Solution 101 as a primer as well
as experience in understanding parallel approaches, ethical space and
personal experiences with Indigenous history and perspectives. Over
three days, participants will:
Gain a deeper understanding of parallel structures
Gain practical insights into how we might reconstruct our environments to make space for real change at the DNA level
Understand Natural law as a concept
Understand oral systems
Experience oral evaluation
Expand their knowledge on working with Indigenous peoples
Leave with valuable take away’ s that can be suited to their unique environment.
20 ACSW “A” credits for full attendance
Kerrie Moore MSW, RSW, Cree/Métis is originally from Saskatchewan. Kerrie is in Private Practice, specializes in trauma and grief, and has extensive experience and training in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Kerrie has worked for over 20 years as a consultant, educator and clinical practitioner in the fields of Justice, Child Welfare, Health Canada, Education, Veterans Affairs and Community Development. Kerrie is a facilitator providing workshops for the University of Calgary, agencies who work with Aboriginal people and with the Calgary Homeless Foundation. She is an integrative psychotherapist and incorporates both Traditional and BioMedical methodology in her practice. Kerrie is acknowledged and accepted as a Spiritual Advisor and Knowledge Keeper. Kerrie is a recipient of the Alumna of the Year Award 2008, from the University of Calgary, Women’s Resource Center.
Adrian Goulet Cree Name (Wapi Mahegun Napew-White Wolf Man) Blackfoot Name (Choo Aup Spoom Tah Dah Pii-Genuine People Helper) was born in Quesnel British Columbia to a Métis Father and Cree Mother, whose Aboriginal ancestry is from both Northern Alberta and British Columbia. Adrian was raised under his mother’s lineage, with the morals and values that created the foundation for his life and making him into the person he is today. Using these teachings, he has been successful in both academics and employment, and currently is the Cultural Reconnection Coordinator AFCC, Cultural Advisor MCFS, Mahegun Tail Inc Director, Cultural Solutions presenter and (oskapewis –ceremonial helper & singer) with Reg Crowshoe and advising on various community short & long term committees in Southern & Northern Alberta.
Living in the Calgary community for over 30 years Adrian has adapted his traditional skills into his new surroundings, such as drumming, singing and dancing which has always been one of his passions. Adopted by Blackfoot Families (Turning Robe & Crowshoe) he uses all of his teachings and passes these down to the youth of the Calgary community. Adrian was also the winner of the 2006 Dr. Douglas Cardinal Award, awarded by the Native Center and First Nations Student Association, (UofC) to recognize and honor significant achievement as a professional person from the Aboriginal Community.