Toolkit: Grants to Grantee Organizations New FREE to use from IntegralOrg.

Recently, the Income Tax Act was amended in a way that is significant to nonprofit and charitable organizations. Prior to these amendments, registered charities that wanted to share resources with organizations that did not have charitable status had to use a complex process to create a “principal and agent relationship” and maintain ongoing direction and control over the use of their resources by the agent.

Organizations that were not registered charities could not easily access funds from registered charities. Now, a charity may choose to advance their mission by making grants to “grantee organizations” even though these organizations are not registered charities.

This free-to-use toolkit from IntegralOrg, with overview and checklist, will help your organization understand these changes and related requirements and why they matter to your organization.

Access the toolkit here.

Also See
Sector Grants
Leadership & Nonprofit Management


Based out of Edmonton, we are a provincial collection of allies – a unified community of agencies that represents the diverse needs of Alberta’s children and families. We are proud to champion the work of our front line service providers and to support our members. Together, we are stronger.


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