Reformed Approach to Child and Family Services (FN Caring Society) May 2024

This document sets out the high level positions of the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society (the Caring) on long term reform of First Nations Child   Services to stop Canada’s discrimination towards First Nations children, youth, and families and ensure it does not happen again. As a basic principle, the Caring Society will not erode the existing gains First Nations have made via the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (the Tribunal) orders consistent with the direction of Chiefs in Assembly Resolution 40/2022. The Caring Society’s positions rely on First Nations–driven research and thus this document will be updated as further research becomes available and is reviewed by First Nations Child and Family Service technical experts including the National Advisory Committee (NAC). The  positions are grounded in the reality that First Nations Child and Family Services are a mandatory emergency service that must be available at all times to meet the needs of First Nations children, youth, and families… Read Full 


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