Comparing outcomes of children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the child welfare system to those in other living situations in Canada: Results from the Canadian National FASD Database 2021 (Wiley)

Comparing outcomes of children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the child welfare system to those in other living situations in Canada: Results from the Canadian National FASD Database 2021 (Wiley)
Data gathered from the Canadian National FASD Database were used for analysis. A total of 665 youth and adolescents with a clinical diagnosis of FASD under the age of 18 living in child welfare care, with biological, adoptive or other family members, were included in the sample. Key areas examined included living situation, legal problems, experience of sexual or physical abuse, mental health (anxiety,
conduct disorder, mood disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder) and suicidal ideation. Descriptive statistics and chi-square comparisons were utilized to explore these difference…


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