ALIGN Association Annual Report 2022-23

Dear Members,

As another year of hurdles and victories spreads out behind us, we continue to look to the future with a focus on Indigenous Cultural Understanding, Well-Being, OHS and Early Intervention as priorities. In the past year, we have wrapped up the picture story for the Indigenous Cultural Understanding Framework, moved into the second year of the Well-Being project, adding the University of Calgary to the conversation and completed the Foundations of Caregiver Support Train the Trainer sessions for FRNs throughout the province.

Throughout the year, ALIGN focused on Government Relations and worked hard to build non-partisan relationships that would be a benefit to membership after the planned election in mid-2022. In early 2023, plans started to be made to host candidate breakfasts that would allow ALIGN members to meet the candidates in their ridings and ask some questions important to them and the work they do.

This year saw ALIGN host their first of four Walking the Children Home Together events. The day brought together Nations and Agency providers throughout Alberta to have collaborative discussions in support of positive transition with the Federal Act (Bill C-92), An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, youth and families. The goal is to continue building on this conversation and to continue to host these events throughout the coming year around Alberta.

We continue to be proud of the work that frontline agencies throughout the province present at meetings, training opportunities and networking events.

It is with this pride that ALIGN will move forward with post-pandemic workforce recovery and a focus on OHS partnerships for the sector. We are grateful for the flexibility and ingenuity of our members and are pleased to announce that we completed the 15th annual ALIGN conference this past year with over 200 delegates in attendance from all over Alberta.

As such, ALIGN continues to advocate on behalf of its members and the sector for financial support and places at policy tables while navigating an ever-changing landscape. The Board of Directors and staff appreciate the member support and thank you for the work you do with children, youth and families.

Rhonda Barraclough and Pauline Smale  View Full Report Here




Based out of Edmonton, we are a provincial collection of allies – a unified community of agencies that represents the diverse needs of Alberta’s children and families. We are proud to champion the work of our front line service providers and to support our members. Together, we are stronger.


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