A Way Home Canada Pre-Budget Consultations 2024 Federal Budget Requesting Federal Youth Homelessness Prevention strategy

A Way Home Canada NEW REPORT: Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming 2024 Federal Budget  asks the Federal Government to consider a Federal Youth Homelessness Prevention strategy.

The Youth Strategy under Reaching Home presents an opportunity to transform how we, as a collective, approach youth homelessness. To do this, we can shift from managing the youth homelessness crisis, which puts youth at risk, to an approach that considers the well-being of young people, assisting them in safely transitioning to adulthood.

This can be done using the four key pillars of youth strategy activities: community planning and systems coordination; program and practice model adoption; training and technical assistance; and, finally, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). View Here

See More 2024 Budget


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