ALIGN & Partners Community Services Staff Safety Initiative (CSSSI) Training and Resources

On behalf of ACDS, ALIGN, and the Government of Alberta Ministries of Children’s Services and Community and Social Services, we are pleased to share these resources that are available through the Community Services Staff Safety Initiative (CSSSI), which aims to increase staff safety and reduce harassment and violence in community services workplaces in Alberta.



A Certificate of Achievement will be issued upon successful completion of the course exam.

Online Course:
To successfully complete the course, the learner has 3 attempts to achieve 80% or higher on the exam. Online duration subject to student capabilities.

Note: Included at no additional cost is the customizable OHS Orientation Templates and Employee Handbook. 

Essentials for Occupational Health, Safety & Compliance eLearning Course Materials  

CSSSI Essentials OHS Compliance2

ONLINE: 16 Hours CLASSROOM: 2 Days

Introduction to Mental Health in the Workplace

CSSSI PHS Mental Health Workplace Level 1

ONLINE: 8 Hours

Management & Leadership Strategies for Effective OHS Management Systems

Three professionals sitting at a desk

ONLINE: 8 Hours

Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention

CSSSI violence

ONLINE: 8 Hours

Supporting Employee Mental Health in the Workplace (Level 2)

CSSSI PHS Mental Health Workplace Level 2

ONLINE: 8 Hours


Infographics can be downloaded and used for the following:

  • Poster program for your Health & Safety boards.
  • We encourage all employers to forward these infographics to all employees with a company email to help get the message out.
  • They can also be used as points to cover for stand-up meetings by supervisors with their staff.

Infographic – Navigating OHS In Your Workplace

report meeting Leadership 1718139400 1

This infographic is designed to help make you aware of the resources available to assist you in developing your own health and safety management system (HSMS)

Infographic – Fitness for Work – It’s All About You

A young professional woman working on a laptop in an office

A healthy culture promotes healthy workers. Understand impairment, fitness for work, and what you can do to as a worker.

Infographic – You Have A Role in Health and Safety

meeting office 1720061022

Your role in ensuring health and safety is just as important and essential as your OHS representative, your supervisor, and your employer. Empower yourself by learning more about it!

Infographic – Know Your Rights

Professional man and woman standing together in an office looking at the document

As a worker in Alberta, you have three major rights. Learn about them, and how they apply to your industry, today!

Infographic – Manage Your Hazards

OHS hazards 932806 1920

There are two types of hazard assessments. Formal and site-specific. Both help you manage your workplace hazards.

Published on

January 24, 2025