Findings of the 2019 National Youth Homelessness Survey 2023 in Canada (Transition to Adulthood)

In this paper from Elsevier Children and Youth Services Review Volume 153, October 2023, 107088, they examine the extent to which youth accessing homelessness services with a history of involvement with CPS differ from their peers who have not interacted with CP

Youth girl leaning up against a brick wall covered in graffiti. She has her arms crossed and is looking unhappy

This study examines the differences between youth experiencing homelessness who have had contact with Child Protection Services (CPS) and those who have not. The findings highlight some ways that previous contact with CPS could be a risk factor for homelessness.

Youth leaving or being discharged from child protection services (CPS) are a particularly vulnerable population in Canada that could be at an increased risk of homelessness, which has many adverse consequences including declining physical and mental health, school disengagement, involvement with the justice system, and substance use disorder

This examination includes a diverse range of life circumstances and outcomes, including quality of life, relationships with friends and family, criminal records, education, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

Published on

October 4, 2023