Transition to Adulthood (TAP)
View All ResourcesUpdates & Revisions - The Alberta Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act Policy Manual
The enhancement act policy manual contains policies and procedures that direct casework staff when delivering services under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act.

Equitable Standards for Transitions to Adulthood for Youth in Care Key Supports Checklist (CWLC)
This checklist can help organizations who want to use the Equitable Standards to guide local advocacy efforts and supports for youth in and from care. Open Data Child Intervention Permanency Outcomes Achieved by Indigenous/non-Indigenous Status Sept 2024
Intervention services are provided when there are concerns that a child or youth is being neglected or abused by their parent or guardian, with the goal of keeping families together

Report: Staying Put & Reducing the Risk of Homelessness (Centre for Homelessness Impact)
Learn how this approach reduces the risk of homelessness in care leavers.

Youth Perspectives on FNS Wraparound Supports (Homeless Hub)
This blog explores the impact of the The Family and Natural Supports FNS intervention’s wraparound approach and how it addresses some unique issues youth have faced.

The Family and Natural Supports (FNS) Approach to Preventing Youth Homelessness
Research shows that youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness have better outcomes when their family and natural supports are engaged in their lives. The FNS can be a consideration for youth transition to adulthood program (TAP) as well as early intervention for those vulnerable to or experiencing homelessness

CFS Rate Schedule Reflecting Increases for Foster, Kinship and Other Caregivers Effective June 1, 2024
Caregiver rates will be increasing June 1, 2024, by 4.2 per cent as per the Caregiver Rate Schedule and will be adjusted on an annual basis starting on January 1.

Alberta Transition to Adulthood Program (TAP)
The Transition to Adulthood Program will provide young adults with targeted services they choose based on their goals and dreams for their future. Additional supports will be provided, which will focus on supports and services the young adult needs to successfully transition into adulthood.

Housing First For Youth Vs. Housing First: What’s the Difference in Models?
To understand the differences between HF4Y and HF, it’s important to understand why a youth-focused program is needed in the first place.