Open Data Child Intervention Permanency Outcomes Achieved by Indigenous/non-Indigenous Status Sept 2024

Intervention services are provided when there are concerns that a child or youth is being neglected or abused by their parent or guardian, with the goal of keeping families together


This Children and Family Services dataset provides an overview of the number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and youth achieving a permanency outcome. The child intervention system is part of Alberta’s system of support for families that encourages good outcomes for children and youth. Child intervention services are focused on the well-being of children, supporting families to be healthy, and ensuring children grow up in safe and nurturing homes.

Permanency outcomes are posted two years after the report period end date and from there the data shows the total number of permanency outcomes in the province for each fiscal year dating back ten years. There is a further breakdown of the information by the number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children achieving permanency outcomes.

Published on

September 12, 2024