Invitation to Participate: ACWS’s Online Quiz on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Deadline July 15, 2024

Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS)  introduces an important initiative aimed at addressing the issue of intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV) and enhancing future support services on this complex topic and invites you and your organization to take part in this quiz  available online until July 15, 2024 and to share it within your networks.

By participating in this quiz, you will contribute valuable insights that will help us tailor our training programs to better meet the needs of those experiencing or recovering from IPSV and service providers alike. 

Intimate partner sexual violence is prevalent and in many cases lethal, yet it is often misunderstood. As a result, IPSV is often under-recognized, by both service providers as well as victims/survivors themselves, and thus, ultimately, under-served. As professionals and service providers, your role in recognizing and responding to IPSV is crucial in providing effective support to victims and survivors and preventing future instances of violence.

To that end, ACWS has partnered with the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services and the Indigenous Psychological Services to develop an online quiz designed to assess knowledge levels among service providers and inform a future, in-depth training curriculum for professionals.

Join them in raising awareness of intimate partner sexual violence by participating in ACWS’s online quiz. This anonymous quiz aims to assess knowledge levels among service providers and to inform a future, in-depth training initiative on IPSV

Take the quiz today and contribute to our collective efforts to end IPSV



Based out of Edmonton, we are a provincial collection of allies – a unified community of agencies that represents the diverse needs of Alberta’s children and families. We are proud to champion the work of our front line service providers and to support our members. Together, we are stronger.


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