These modules are recommended for the following:
- Managers (all levels)
- Supervisors
- Health and safety committee members or representatives
- Internal OHS staff
- Board members (where the organization’s OHS practices are part of the board’s reach)
- Consultants
- Staff members (including in particular those that work with various clients and/or at various work locations)
- Anyone who has charge over a work site or authority over a worker, regardless of job title or position
- Hazard Assessment
- OHS Leadership Awareness for Managers
- OHS Leadership Awareness for Supervisors
- OHS Leadership Awareness – Due Diligence
- Worker Rights, Responsibilities, and Refusals
- Working Alone & Journey Management
- Workplace Violence & Harassment Prevention
Throughout the 7 modules, you will:
- Review general, occupational health and safety duties for the employer and best practices for due diligence
- Look closer at the occupational health and safety duties of the employer and the employer’s representatives, such as senior managers, managers, and anyone else tasked with overseeing the workplace health and safety of others and receive suggestions on how to meet these duties
- Look closer at the duties of anyone who has charge over a work site and/or authority over a worker (supervisors)
- Focus on Alberta Workers’ H&S Rights, legislated OHS duties, and the dangerous work refusal process
- Both formal and site-specific hazard assessments will be reviewed with a focus on conducting pre-task hazard assessments to assess high-risk and changing work environments
- Explore the expectations for organizations to develop and implement workplace violence and workplace harassment prevention plans
- Explore the expectations for developing and implementing working alone programs and managing those that travel to off-site locations for work-related purposes
There will be a certificate of completion waiting for you in your profile and email, when you get 80% on the quiz!

Are you new to Think Safety Training? Register your Think Safety Profile!
You will need to create a log-in ID/profile the first time, but following that, you can simply log in to return to the portal.
The two links below, lead learners to two different course catalogues, please note; even though the courses inside the catalogues are all the same, the Leadership Certificate option requires all courses to be completed.
Do you already have a Think Safety Training Profile? Access the portal
If you’ve already signed up, click on the button above