Caregiver Resources for Natural Disasters and Emergencies

Emergencies and disasters can impact individual, family and community well-being. Children’s reactions to disasters and their aftermath are strongly influenced by how their parents, grandparents, families, teachers, and other caregivers cope during and after the events

Emergency worker fireman caring small toddler

Red Cross “Preparing and Coping with the Effects of a Disaster or Emergency” 
If you have been affected by a disaster or emergency, or even if you are concerned about one happening, you may feel increased distress. Taking small, positive steps will help you feel better and more in control. The Red Cross has gathered some information on how you can prepare, and tips for taking care of yourself and others when you are facing a disaster or emergency

Red Cross “Guide to Disaster Recovery for Parents and Caregivers”
Recognizes these types of events can complicate access to support structures and services. Separation from family members can occur, with hours or days passing before being reunited… Helping children and teens recover after a disaster or emergency: Care instructions
Provides guidance for caregivers. During a disaster or emergency, a child’s environment and routine may change. Your child may feel and act differently because they might not understand what has happened. Your child or teen can lose trust and may be afraid that the event will happen again. Changes in behaviour can be part of how a child or teen copes…

CMHA “Coping through a natural disaster emergency mental health tips for you and your family”
Info sheet on mental health tips for children and youth by age groups Having to flee your home, leave animals or possessions behind and relocating can cause distress, fear and anxiety for you and your loved ones. Remember that these are some of the most stressful events one can experience. Whether you are coping with fire, flood, earthquake or an other emergency dealing with your physical safety, here are some proven tips to help you cope with the mental stress of a natural disaster.

Published on

July 9, 2024