This report is grounded in what we heard from young people throughout the province, their caregivers, and the professionals who work with them. They emphasized that children and youth with disabilities must be understood and empowered. Having young people contribute at every stage of this report was intentional and critically important.
Young people with disabilities have the right to be understood, accommodated, and included. Individuals with a range of disabilities expressed that everyone’s experience is unique. Assessments can help with understanding a young person’s needs; however, they must be linked to effective and timely interventions that support development and inclusion.
Families play a key role in supporting young people with disabilities. Throughout our community engagement process caregivers shared the challenges they have finding the help they need when they need it. It is critical that they have access to a continuum of services and supports to meet the needs of their children.
We heard that when young people with disabilities are involved with Child Intervention it is often difficult to get individualized services, supports and accommodations. Of particular concern is that some do not have a safe place to live that meets their needs…