Child Intervention Practice Framework (CIPF)

The Child intervention practice framework helps to ensure workers are supported, trained and provided with development opportunities.

Small boy looking over a fence railing

The Alberta government listened to feedback from frontline staff in developing new and innovative ways to serving at-risk children, youth and families. The Child Intervention Practice Framework is the foundation of one of these innovations – ensuring workers are supported, trained and provided with development opportunities

Framework principles

The Child Intervention Practice Framework guides casework through six principles:

Indigenous Experience – Indigenous peoples have always had their own ways of ensuring that vulnerable members, including children, are safe, protected and nurtured. We honour this by recognizing their expertise in matters concerning their children, youth and families.

Preserve Family – We believe children and youth should be safe, healthy and live with their families, therefore we focus on preserving and reuniting families and building on the capacity of extended family and communities to support children, youth and families.

Strengths-based – Our approach is reflective, culturally responsive and strengths-based. Because all families have strengths and resources, we recognize and support the right and responsibility of parents to share in the decision-making process for them and their children.

Connection – Children and youth are supported to maintain relationships that are important to them, be connected to their own culture, practice their religious or spiritual beliefs and, for those with involvement, have a plan for their care where they are included in the decision-making process.

Collaboration – We are child-focused and family-centred. We collaborate with families, community agencies, and other stakeholders in building positive, respectful partnerships across integrated multidisciplinary teams and providing individualized, flexible and timely services to support these efforts.

Continuous Improvement – Our casework is transparent and we share information appropriately. Our approach is outcome oriented and evidence-based therefore we support innovative practice, evaluate our performance and strive for continuous improvement.

Published on

May 1, 2024