Community Mental Health Action Plan (Edmonton & Area) Engagement Report

 July 9, 2023

Edmonton’s Strategy for Community Mental Health Equity Deserving Community Engagement Report Prepared by pipikwan pêhtâkwan 2023

Picture of screen with zoom meeting or engagement session

Report Not My Home: The Overrepresentation of Indigenous Children in Care (ESPC 2023)

 July 2, 2023

According to the 2021 Canadian federal census, 53.8% of children in foster care are Indigenous, but account for only 7.7% of the child population.

The back of a boys head - it is sunset and the sky is dark orange. Just a few rays of sun peek out around the boys face to create his silhouette

Alberta's Historic Agreement to Support First Nations Child and Family Well-Being Services (C-92)

 April 23, 2023

Over the next five years, the agreement will transfer $149.4 million from the federal government to the FFNs to support their law implementation.

People at a desk signing documents or agreements

ALIGN Kinship Focused Literature Search to Inform Kinship Redesign 2.0 2021

 October 13, 2021

The following focused literature search and environmental scan was conducted to support the development of the Kinship Care Redesign in Alberta 2.0 Report for ALIGN Association of Community Services.

woman holding up a toddler

ALIGN Report Agency Response: Kinship Redesign in Alberta 2021

 May 13, 2021

Our team with ALIGN met with Elders Dr. Reg and Rose Crowshoe in October 2021 for a conversation about kinship care in Alberta. Discussion questions included: What principles should agencies adopt when supporting/delivering Kinship Care? What standards of practice should be built to ensure best practice? This is a summary of what we heard.

wo kids smiling and laying on a park bench

ALIGN Presentation BILL C-92 From Compliance to Connection

 May 1, 2020

Presented by Dr. Hadley Friedland and Koren Lightning-Earle Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge 2020


Foundations of Caregiver Support (FCS) Report

 May 1, 2020

This document provides the vision and purpose of the Foundations of Caregiver Support and a description of it’s three foundational pillars: child development, trauma, and loss and grief.

A mother walking with a toddler. She is holding his hand
Featured Well-Being and Resiliency Framework, Evaluation Framework and kâ-nâkatohkêhk miyo-ohpikinawâwasowin miyo Resource

 April 30, 2019

Alberta’s approach to well-being and resiliency has been formed by three complimentary documents: the Well-Being and Resiliency Framework, the kâ-nâkatohkêhk miyo-ohpikinawâwasowin (miyo) Resource, and the Evaluation Framework. These documents work together and build on one another to define and implement Alberta’s approach for service delivery staff and agency partners.

A woman and man holding hands with a young boy walking outdoors in the sunrise