View All ResourcesOnline Training C-92 Intro to Indigenous Jurisdiction and the Federal Act
Learn more about the implications that jurisdictional changes may have on your work, community and Nations. Indigenous Perspectives Society: Centre of Excellence in Community Education delivers training throughout Canada and Internationally to the public and/o privately
Bent Arrow Knowledge Holder Videos
Indigenous Teachings from a wide variety of Knowledge Holders from all across Turtle Island.
Video “Two Spirits, One Voice” by Egale
Two Spirit is an English umbrella term to reflect and restore Indigenous traditions forcefully suppressed by colonization, honouring the fluid and diverse nature of gender and attraction and its connection to community and spirituality. It is used by some Indigenous People rather than, or in addition to, identifying as LGBTQI.
The Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN) Two Spirit Resources Directory
NYSHN is an organization by and for Indigenous youth that works across issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice.
Reconciliation Education from First Nations University of Canada
These online courses and films from First Nations University of Canada provide a comprehensive, customized anti-racist education in line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action and are are adapted for online learning platforms, ready to meet your Equity, Diversity and Inclusion needs to promote a renewed relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada through transformative multi-media learning.
Alberta Child Intervention Practice Framework
The Child intervention practice framework helps to ensure workers are supported, trained and provided with development opportunities.
The Touchstones of Hope Movement (First Nations Child & Family Caring Society)
Success of the The Touchstones of Hope Movement relies on giving space for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to participate in reconciliation
ALIGN CONNECTIONS For Indigenous Children/Youth & Caregivers April 2024
CONNECTIONS is monthly newsletter designed to support Foster and Kinship Caregivers to ensure First Nations, Metis & Inuit children in their care have access to cultural resources, activities and events that broaden their cultural awareness.
Understanding C-92: Empowering Indigenous Communities in Alberta (“Reconciliation Talks” Blog)
The Act under Bill C-92 represents a beacon of hope for Indigenous communities in Alberta and across Canada. As non-Indigenous allies, let us commit to understanding and supporting this legislation, recognizing its potential to transform the lives of Indigenous children and families.