Government Engagement
View All ResourcesPolitical v. Non-Partisan Communications – Know the Difference (Alberta Counsel)
Associate Aileen Burke provides some insight into the differences between political, non-partisan, and partisan communications and why those differences matter.

Advocacy & Government Relations Three Part Online Course Designed for Non-profit Leaders
ECVO offers this course presented by Aileen Burke from Alberta Counsel, for non-profit leaders who want to learn more about effective advocacy.

Three Expert Tips to Level Up Your Advocacy Writing (Charity Village)
After several years of strict limitations through the CRA “10% rule,” advocacy is a muscle that has atrophied in many of our organizations. The end result is that for many of us, mostly out of necessity, we’ve prioritized treating the symptoms of bad policy over working to replace those policies with better ones.

Lobbying Toolkit (Integral.Org)
This Toolkit Lobbying by Nonprofits and Charities: What Nonprofits and Charities Need to Know when Lobbying across Canada, will help you learn what lobbying is and what your organization must do to be compliant with lobbying laws.

Leadership Guide to Using Digital Tools for Connecting with Elected Representatives
The Samara Centre for Democracy guide Digital Opportunities: A Civil Society Leadership Guide to Using Digital Tools for Connecting with Elected Representatives highlights the rewards of online digital engagement, gives tips on how to engage politicians effectively online

Watch “How to talk policy and influence people”: with Dr Bruce Perry
In this episode of “How to talk policy and influence people”, Jane Mulcahy speaks with world-renowned child psychiatrist, neuroscientist and author Dr Bruce Perry about the challenges of presenting important knowledge about the human condition to policy-makers and having them act upon it appropriately or, indeed, at all.

Digital Opportunities: Connecting with Elected Representatives
Learn more about why you should invest in digital engagement, what good digital engagement looks like and what digital engagement tools you should use.

Sparking Change: 3 Ways to Engage in Advocacy (Imagine Canada)
Trying to spark change and advance policy priorities, even in a small way, is a challenging task for any nonprofit organization but your voice matters, and it deserves to be heard by decision-makers. By engaging in advocacy, you can create the change you want to see in the world.

2024 Alberta Budget Analysis (ECVO The Nonprofit Vote)
View a break down of the 2024 Provincial Budget with Melissa Caoette from the ECVO Nonprofit Vote