Child Intervention
View All ResourcesTips for Making Home Visits in Child Welfare
Despite the benefits of seeing clients in their homes, there are some inherent challenges and things to keep in mind when interviewing parents and children in their home
WoW Guide Nlaka’pamus Wrapping Our Ways Around Them Child Welfare Guidebook
The intention is to have child welfare agencies and societies understand, respect and honour the experience of indigenous peoples from an intergenerational trauma lens to better support the act
Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) Trauma-Informed Training
Hull Services provides training/education in trauma-informed practice for frontline staff, caregivers, schools, agencies, and community partners. It is an approach that integrates core principles of neurodevelopment and traumatology to inform work with children, families and the communities in which they live.
CDC Connecting the Dots - Understanding Risk and Protective Factors
This tool makes it easy to connect the dots between multiple types of violence and the risk and protective factors they share at each level of the social-ecological model (SEM).
Children & Youth in Care and Mentoring Program Design (AMP)
This document outlines the Children & Youth in Care and Mentoring Program Design, informed through an extensive literature review, stakeholder consultation, evaluation and evidence-informed practice
Alberta Child Intervention Practice Framework
The Child intervention practice framework helps to ensure workers are supported, trained and provided with development opportunities.
Trauma-Informed Care Toolkit for Homelessness Youth Service Providers
Trauma-informed programs can help mitigate adverse outcomes for youth and young adults. All systems that serve youth who have experienced homelessness must understand the basic principles of trauma to serve youth appropriately.
Podcast Client Violence: Interview with Dr. Christina Newhill
Dr. Newhill defines client violence, talks about why social workers should be concerned with client violence and identifies which social workers are at greater risk for violence.
Online Course for Caregivers - Giving & Receiving Healing (CTR)
Foster parents, kinship caregivers and others who provide care to children and youth