Workplace Wellness
View All Resources13 Factors That Can Impact Employee Mental Health (MHCC)
Videos, posters and facilitators guide to raise mental health awareness in the workplace and methods for promoting psychologically safe places to work.
Workers’ and Managers’ Perspectives on Workplace Supports for Depression
Learn more about important differences in the views of workers with depression and the people who manage them.
Using Inclusive Language in the Workplace
This article sheds light on the importance of workplace language, practical strategies on how to be more gender-inclusive
CCOHS Violence Prevention in the Workplace Courses & Guide
Online Courses on Workplace Violence Prevention from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety
Workplace Trauma Experienced by Homeless Sector Service Providers
The impact of workplace traumas and stressors among service providers working with people experiencing homelessness in Canada
Why Mental Health Programs Aren’t Working (Wellness Works Canada)
Learn strategies of how you can more effectively improve the well-being of your employees Anti-harassment Course for Agencies and Boards
Now being offered to all agencies, boards and commissions across the province.
Blue Cross Workplace Wellness Toolkit
Develop your own workplace wellness plan