Child/Youth Mental Health Resources
View All ResourcesCaregiver Resources for Natural Disasters and Emergencies
Emergencies and disasters can impact individual, family and community well-being. Children’s reactions to disasters and their aftermath are strongly influenced by how their parents, grandparents, families, teachers, and other caregivers cope during and after the events
Free Online Certificate Program Evaluation for Youth Wellbeing
A free online certificate course about the main concepts, approaches and practices relevant to conducting evaluation of youth sector programs and initiatives.
A Conversation with Dr. Bruce Perry About Trauma
In this podcast from Creating a Family, Dr. Bruce Perry answers your questions about how trauma impacts adoptive, foster, and kinship kids and families.
#ChatSafe Guidelines for Online Communications - Self-harm & Suicide.
#ChatSafe guidelines address the critical need for open dialogue while navigating sensitive topics and aim to reduce stigma, fear, and misinformation surrounding self-harm and suicide discussions online.
Community Mental Health Action Plan (Edmonton)
Mission to facilitate stakeholder created, collaborative solutions to mental health system challenges.
Cybervictimization and Mental Health Among Canadian Youth 2023
Cybervictimization has emerged as a potentially serious form of victimization and has been associated with negative mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and suicidality. However, very little research has examined the prevalence and correlates of cybervictimization among diverse subpopulations of youth. Well-Being and Resiliency Framework, Evaluation Framework and kâ-nâkatohkêhk miyo-ohpikinawâwasowin miyo Resource
Alberta’s approach to well-being and resiliency has been formed by three complimentary documents: the Well-Being and Resiliency Framework, the kâ-nâkatohkêhk miyo-ohpikinawâwasowin (miyo) Resource, and the Evaluation Framework. These documents work together and build on one another to define and implement Alberta’s approach for service delivery staff and agency partners.