Kinship Care
View All ResourcesALIGN CONNECTIONS For Indigenous Children/Youth & Caregivers October 2024
CONNECTIONS is monthly newsletter designed to support Foster and Kinship Caregivers to ensure First Nations, Metis & Inuit children in their care have access to cultural resources, activities and events that broaden their cultural awareness.

2024 Alberta Foster and Kinship Association Flag-Raising Ceremony
October is Foster and Kinship Caregiver Month in Alberta!

ALIGN CONNECTIONS For Indigenous Children/Youth & Caregivers September 2024
CONNECTIONS is monthly newsletter designed to support Foster and Kinship Caregivers to ensure First Nations, Metis & Inuit children in their care have access to cultural resources, activities and events that broaden their cultural awareness. Open Data Child Intervention Permanency Outcomes Achieved by Indigenous/non-Indigenous Status Sept 2024
Intervention services are provided when there are concerns that a child or youth is being neglected or abused by their parent or guardian, with the goal of keeping families together

A Caregivers Guide to FASD Diagnosis for Kinship, Foster Parents (CanFASD)
This guide is intended for caregivers with children who are soon-to-be assessed for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), or have recently been diagnosed with FASD.

Caregiver Resources for Natural Disasters and Emergencies
Emergencies and disasters can impact individual, family and community well-being. Children’s reactions to disasters and their aftermath are strongly influenced by how their parents, grandparents, families, teachers, and other caregivers cope during and after the events

Foster Care and the Holidays (Foster Focus Magazine)
Holidays can be a stark reminder to these children that they are not with their own family. It is during the holidays when families are supposed to be together, yet these children in care are not. They are not with their families, and they may not know when they will see them next.

Online Course for Foster/Kinship Caregivers: Giving and Receiving Healing
Foster parents and other caregivers give from the bottom of their hearts. Often this isn't enough. Complex trauma changes the child’s brain and nervous system (and thus all development). These kids often don't respond well to typical parenting. Learn more about giving and receiving healing and caregiver wellness.

CFS Rate Schedule Reflecting Increases for Foster, Kinship and Other Caregivers Effective June 1, 2024
Caregiver rates will be increasing June 1, 2024, by 4.2 per cent as per the Caregiver Rate Schedule and will be adjusted on an annual basis starting on January 1.