Homelessness & Housing
View All ResourcesToolkit for Communities: Considerations for Creating a Lived Experience Circle on Homelessness
This toolkit available on the homelessness learning hub supports small cities and rural communities interested in creating advisory groups of people with lived or living experience of homelessness
Maytree's Social Assistance Summaries for Territories and Provinces & Welfare in Canada Report
To support your advocacy efforts, find the latest data for the number of social assistance recipients and welfare incomes in every province and territory
Homelessness Prevention: Bridging Research to Practice On Demand Webinar
The knowledge base on homelessness prevention has expanded in the last few years. Communities are using research/evidence to make prevention programs more effective and impactful.
The Family and Natural Supports (FNS) Approach to Preventing Youth Homelessness
Research shows that youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness have better outcomes when their family and natural supports are engaged in their lives. The FNS can be a consideration for youth transition to adulthood program (TAP) as well as early intervention for those vulnerable to or experiencing homelessness
Free Online Eviction Prevention Training
Learn about the importance of understanding evictions, the evictions process and the supports available for both tenants and service providers
Food Bank Poverty Vulnerability Map
A bird’s eye view of what poverty looks like across our country.
Ending Poverty Pathways Online Course (Tamarack Institute)
Join Natasha Pei, Associate Director of the Communities Ending Poverty team, in this new five-module course designed to help you learn at your own pace as you advocate for and advance high-impact ending poverty pathways in your community
Youth Homelessness By The Numbers
Youth make up one of the largest demographics of the homeless population in Canada. 20% of homeless people in Canada are between the ages of 13-25
Homeless Hub's Doing Research: Methodology for Evaluating and Mobilizing Your Results
Supporting communities to prevent and end homelessness