ALIGN Members

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Child and Youth Care Association Of Alberta

Calgary (Serving All of Alberta)
Membership Association
Certification Program
Online Learning

Children’s Cottage Society Of Calgary

Calgary’s Children’s Cottage Society’s mission is to prevent harm and neglect to all children and strengthen families through crisis, respite, and support services such as the Crisis Nursery

Chimo Youth Retreat Centre

Edmonton and Surrounding Area
Chimo is a place where youth can learn all kinds of skills, information and tools to help them succeed as young adults! They have programs that provide housing, day programs and training programs to meet the individual needs of each youth.

City of Spruce Grove Community Social Development

Focused on bringing the City’s Social Sustainability Plan to life, Community Social Development will help address changing social needs in Spruce Grove that are broad, complex and the result of a rapidly growing city, including:

  • Homelessness and poverty;
  • Diversity and inclusion;
  • Community engagement; and
  • Housing

Additionally, it supports collaboration between the City and community groups/stakeholders who have expertise and a unique understanding of social issues that have been identified or may arise in Spruce Grove.

Closer To Home Community Services Society

Closer to Home Community Services delivers a variety of programs designed to meet the needs of vulnerable children and their families. Closer to Home professionals have developed effective programs that address a broad spectrum of issues relating to Child Welfare, Adult Services, and Early Intervention

Creating Hope Society

The Creating Hope Society helps halt the cycle of child welfare and continues to be a voice for the third generation of Aboriginal children in child welfare while also providing support and advocacy for those who are currently entering the child welfare system.

Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre of Calgary

Dedicated to including people with developmental disabilities into the community in real and meaningful ways. DDRC provides programs and services to support children and adults with developmental disabilities and offers a resource centre to the general public to support the inclusion of all people.


E4C is a human services agency that is an active, supportive and empowering presence in a time of individual, family and community need. They create opportunities for people to become self-supporting and lead in the growth of inclusive, caring communities. Together they build strength, capacity and understanding.

Edmonton Chamber Of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO)

The Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations is a collaborative effort initiated by a variety of community-based not-for-profit organizations. The ECVO will strive to support the work of its members and partners, not to duplicate their efforts. That will be done through a range of initiatives: networking meetings, creating coalitions with other organizations, meetings with key-decision makers at various levels of government, information sessions with special speakers, and research and publications.

Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association

ECALA allocates Advanced Education funding to organizations in Edmonton to provide literacy and foundational learning programs for adults.

Edmonton John Howard Society

Edmonton John Howard Society is a not for profit crime prevention agency that has served the Alberta Capital Region for over 60 years.  They are committed to making knowledge, experience, and resources available to support communities in their crime prevention initiatives.  They work with people to eradicate the root causes of crime so they can build a safe, healthy community through:

• Promoting an awareness of the problem of crime and its impact on society,
• Encouraging greater responsibility within the community for crime prevention
• Providing services to people who are, or have the potential to be, in conflict with the law or who have been victims of crime.

Elk Island Child and Youth Ranch

Serving Alberta
Office is located in the town of Lamont, Alberta (approximately 45 minutes from Edmonton.) Ranches are located 5 minutes east of Lamont and are located within a 2 mile vicinity.

An Intensive Treatment Program treating children and youth covered under the Child, Youth Enhancement Act from the age of 10-24 years old providing residential services to youth with the intention of transitioning them either to a less intrusive program or back to family care. We use a multi-disciplinary process with the support of our on site Clinician, off site Psychiatrist, Probation Workers, Staff working with the youth, Supervisor’s and Managers.



Based out of Edmonton, we are a provincial collection of allies – a unified community of agencies that represents the diverse needs of Alberta’s children and families. We are proud to champion the work of our front line service providers and to support our members. Together, we are stronger.


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