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Accredited Supports To The Community

(Serving Calgary/Central Regions)

Accredited Supports to the Community works with people from all walks of life by providing support to adults and children with disabilities.

 4322 50th Ave Box 3940 Olds
 (403) 556-4110

Adom Haven Holistic Care

(Serving NE, NW, South & Edmonton Region)

Adom Haven Holistic Care, provide a nurturing environment where children and youth can flourish, thrive, and reach their fullest potential. Join us in our mission to create a safe haven for every child

 1516 152 Avenue Edmonton

Alberta Adaptabilities Association

(Serving Edmonton Region)

Alberta AdaptAbilities Association is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing respite in a caring, understanding and structured environment for children and adults with special needs.

 10130 82 Avenue NW Edmonton

Alberta Foster and Kinship Association

(Serving All Alberta)

The Alberta Foster and Kinship Association provides support to foster and kinship caregivers across Alberta, advocating for foster and kinship caregivers rights, educating the community about foster and kinship care, providing caregiver training and social gatherings, and serving as a liaison between foster and kinship caregivers and Alberta Children’s Services. Membership is free to all Alberta licensed and approved foster and kinship homes.

 10263 178 St NW Edmonton
 (780) 429-9923

Alberta Home Visitation Network Association

(Serving All Alberta)

The Alberta Home Visitation Network Association is a provincial non-profit society that promotes quality home visitation programs. Incorporated as a society in 2001 and received charitable status in April 2005. AHVNA is a member-driven organization comprised of interested individuals, community based agencies, home visitation programs, Child and Family Service Authorities and Regional Health Authorities. AHVNA is funded through Alberta Children’s Services and the Muttart Foundation.

 #170, 14315-118 Avenue Edmonton
  (780) 429-4787

Alta Care Resources

(Serving Edmonton Region)

Alta Care Resources is an agency contracted to provide services to Alberta Human Services.. With over twenty years of experience the organization is a respected and acknowledged part of Edmonton and area’s service delivery spectrum. The agency has a history of innovative and creative programming in the areas of group care, crisis response, resiliency training, early intervention/prevention programs and family-based intervention.

 302 9470 51 Ave Edmonton
  (780) 451-6040

ASSIST Community Service Centre

(Serving Edmonton Region)

ASSIST is committed to serving the community at large by providing programs and services that meet a variety of needs for newcomers. We welcome all people to our programs regardless of race, gender identity, ability, religion, and sexual orientation, and strive to create an inclusive, diverse, and respectful environment for everyone.

 9649 105A Ave Edmonton
  (780) 429-3111

Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services

(Serving All Alberta)

The Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services is a non-profit, registered charitable organization that began operations in 1995. As a provincial umbrella organization, the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services focuses its efforts in key areas of Awareness & Access

 #650, 910 7th Avenue SW Calgary

Barons-Eureka-Warner Family Resource Network (FCSS)

(Serving Coaldale, Barnwell, Barons, Coalhurst, Milk River, Nobleford, Picture Butte, Stirling, Sunnyside, Taber, Vauxhall and Warner)

Qualified staff deliver parenting programs, share information about child development, and help families deal with parenting and family issues.

 2107 13th Street Coaldale